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News :: Elections & Legislation

Vote Kerry, Sleep at Night

If you are still considering voting for Nader…

1. The majority of his financial campaign support comes from Republicans including the Swift Boat Veterans For Truth. This alone should wake up his supporters to the fact that Ralph has sold out his political beliefs, violated his ethics, and is taking cash from the very people he supposedly is campaigning against. When asked about this moral discrepancy his campaign spokesperson responded with “so what”.

2. Bush supporters are banking on YOU voting for Nader. They are begging you to vote for him. Why? Because they know that a vote for Nader is a Vote for Bush. That’s why they are funding Nader. It’s why Jeb Bush used the Hurricane as an excuse to get Nader on the Ballot in Florida. Jeb Bush is keeping his fingers crossed that you vote for Nader. They want to divide the left so that the country can have four more years of the tyrant. Are YOU going to play their game?

3. Many Nader supporters when questioned respond with this argument: “Bush, Kerry, same thing. I can’t see a difference.” If you can’t see what Bush has done to the country and to the world in the last four years, you are as blind as a bat born without eyes. He is destroying our nation and the world. This is not just any old election. This vote could determine whether WWIII happens or not. As for Kerry? To think he is like Bush at all reveals a complete lack of information. Kerry was the guy that cracked the Iran-Contra scandal. That’s right. Him. He has consistently voting for left wing ideas his entire tenure in the senate, is a huge champion for healthcare rights, campaign finance reform, was a political activist, protested the Vietnam war. If you can picture of Bush doing any of these things jump in here.

4. Swing States: YOU are in a swing state. Your vote counts. It COUNTS. In New York, our votes don’t count. Please PLEASE, PLEASE, take your vote seriously. Vote for Kerry. Kick Bush out. Do the right thing.

5. I’m not some middle of the road centrist Democrat. I voted for Nader in the last election (in New York) and I’m a life-long political activist. I’ve been to more protests than you; I’ve organized many political direct action. I’ve been tear-gassed, if you want to trade activist war stories. I’ve very left wing. I’m telling you, if you want to change the world, this is your chance. Protest only works when you have an administration in power that will listen to the will of the people. Bush has made it clear that he despises people like us who want to change the world for the better. Kerry will be susceptible to protest. We will have a voice with him in office.

6. Can’t you see what’s happening here people? Nader’s not selling truth, Bush is buying, he’s buying your vote by indirectly funding Nader. He’s fucking you over and making you think you’re casting a defiant vote. He’s saying: Go ahead, vote for Nader, make my day. Don’t make his day. Send him packing. Vote Kerry.

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