The War in Pictures
I believe this sums up the status of the war in Iraq and our two 'choices' for president.
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What valid reason is there for the US not to have a 50% majority to win rule. for the pres, and for congress!
Only one i can think of is to prevent us from obtaining a true gov't of the people. the current system is a fraud- setup to prevent us from voting our hearts. it is time to stop business as usual.
-- a comment at atlanta indy
"We also have an electoral college (a brilliant system, by the way) that insulates us from the clusterfuck that would result from a direct election. The electoral college makes the whole 50% deal a mute point. Remember, the STATES elect the president, not the people."
There's no logic to this- other than that's how it's always been and how it will be- so just shut up and accept it. sounds like a freeper to me.
imho- The electoral college divides us into predetermined red and blue states, which tells people that their vote doesn't matter. You live in a red state, so why bother voting at all. If every vote counted towards the national total, then every single vote would actually matter- people would have a reason to vote, instead of feeling that it's just a waste of time.
If we abolished the electoral college, and made the 50% majority to win rule, then we could vote for 'unelectable candidates' like nader or badnarik knowing that neither bush nor kerry would get the 50%... we could just vote kerry in the runoff if we had to.
Our current electoral system is a joke, designed to prevent the true will of the people from being heard. How much more of this bullshit are we to take before we make a stand?