Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Activism

Help with Reclaim The Streets

Help get people out for Baltimore's first ever Reclaim the Streets action.

Pass out flyers, spread the word, bring your talents and festive spirits.

Let's do this.
Click on image for a larger version


Here at Reclaim The Streets Inc. we would appreciate your help in getting out people to the event happening on November 2nd. Below is links to flyers online. If you could print them out and hand them out that would be very cool. Also, if you know anyone with some skills, something entertaining, or anything else that you feel would contribute well to a street party atmosphere, tell em to bring it on.

I will put the whole call down below. Notice the "Flyers" section in which you can download the PDFs, print them out and mass distribute them. (you may have to copy and paste links for they don't seem to work as simple click links on some sites)



The majority of our life is spent stuck behind one screen or another. Be it a television screen, a car windshield, the window of our apartment or workplace, a computer screen or our own insecurities; our worlds are separated from each other by the constant pressure to succeed and be more. As more of our world is defined by “reality” TV shows and the constant driving fear pushed upon us by our government and “news“ media, we seek comfort in the consumption of goods to define who we are and to appeal to our desires and passions for life.

Like everything else in life our political process has become yet another commodity to be consumed, and like most other items we indulge in, to be tossed aside after one use. What we are told our only means of political action is, voting, has been turned into a sideshow; circus acts of one clown trying to out do the other. This November 2nd we say Enough is Enough. We call on the people of Baltimore to Stand Up and Reclaim Democracy, to Reclaim Your Lives, to Reclaim Community and to Take Back What Is Yours.



Tuesday, November 2nd

Gather at Noon

Location – Preston and Cathedral
Between the Meyerhoff and Mt. Vernon Train Station at MICA

March to Party at 1pm
Location – it’s a surprise

Calling All Youth Shut Out from the System:
We are the youth of the country, the tomorrow generation, and the hope for justice in the future…and yet we have no power to choose our next leader? How can we hope to inherit a world ready to fulfill our dreams when we have no control over who is going to create that world? We are considered second-class citizens simply because we are not of a “legal” age. What options have we been left with?

This November 2nd (Election Day) join us and Vote In The Streets! We will be having a street celebration and party to stand up and say WE ARE PEOPLE TOO! By expressing our right to the first amendment and freedom of speech we can influence our world more than a ballot dropped in a box can!

Bring your bikes, music, art, talents and spirit to Preston St. and Cathedral St. at 12:00pm on November 2nd. Even if you are voting in this election come join us. We are the youth, let’s show the world we are everything we’ve always claimed and hoped to be! the streets/Highschool-Flyer.pdf

Flyers for Download: (Please Distribute Far and Wide!!) the streets/bikes like to party too.pdf the streets/tweedle dee tweedle dum.pdf the streets/party like its 1999.pdf the streets/dont just vote dont just not vote - full.pdf the streets/dont just vote dont just not vote - quarter.pdf
For More Information:
baltimoreRTS (at)
The Day After the Election Events-

What Is Your Breaking Point?

Choosing Between The Lesser of Two Evils?

A War Based On Lies?

A Stolen Election?

A Government By The Rich, For The Rich And Of The Rich?

Four More Years of Bush?...Kerry?

Go Beyond Voting.

Join Us On November 3rd, The Day After The Election.


Center And Charles Street
louiex (at) the streets/N3.pdf
dont just vote.jpg

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