Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Elections & Legislation

Volunteer at the Polls for City Council Candidate in 5th District

On Nov. 2nd help grass roots democracy by volunteering at the polls in support of Dr. Fitzgerald, the Green Party candidate for Baltimore City Council in the city's 5th District.
On Nov. 2nd help grass roots democracy by volunteering at the polls in support of the Green Party candidate for Baltimore City Council in the city's 5th District Dr. Fitzgerald.

Who*: You

What*: Talk to voters to support Dr. Fitzgerald

When*: Nov. 2nd, whatever hours between 7:00AM and 8:00PM that you are available

Where*: at one of the 14 polling stations in Northwest Baltimore

How*:email to volunteer
or call 410-925-1220

Why*: For 60 years, only Democrats have been in the City Council.
Now you can vote for change. Dr. Terrence Fitzgerald is the Baltimore Green Party candidate for City Council in District 5.

Dr. Fitzgerald's positions:

-Stop Slots at Pimlico.

-Demand Transparency and Accountability in Government.

-City Schools must receive more funding and more oversight—long term.

-Focus on the Neighborhoods.

-Work for massive expansion of drug treatment.

-Properly fund the Department of Parks and Recreation.

-Our city cannot survive as it is now designed. To build a sustainable Baltimore, we must consider entirely new approaches to problems, such as:
* A dense network of bus routes which will truly serve our citizens and decrease use of cars in the city;
*Decentralized treatment of sewage.

-The City Council must be more than a little legislature. Council members must be active advocates for our citizens—in City Hall, in Annapolis, in Washington.

November 2, vote for change:
Baltimore Green Party candidate for City Council, District 5

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