LOCAL News :: Media
Public Access TV Campaign: Quickie
Quick note on the status of the campaign to secure dedicated funding for Public Access TV in Baltimore.

The Future of Public Access TV Hangs in the Balance
As you should be aware, Baltimore City and Comcast Cable have negotiated a 12-year franchize agreement contract. The contract does NOT include dedicated funding for Public Access TV. Experts agree that failure to include dedicated funding will be the death knell for Public Access TV.
The City Council held a public hearing October 13 to listen to public opinions on the proposed contract. The public made a strong showing of support for dedicated funding of Public Acess TV. The Baltimore Grassroots Media organization, and ACORN, among others were instrumental in organizgin public turnout and providing critical information on the subject.
Time is fleeting. People with an interest in the future of alternative media need to make a push now. A key upcoming event will be a City Council "Work Session" on the pending bill to approve or reject the 12-year Comcast agreement. The City Council will announce the date/time of the work session next week.
Stay Tuned to Baltimore Indymedia for news, or visit www.baltimoregrassrootsmedia.org for more information.