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BTL:Pentagon Review Proposes U.S. Build New Battle-Field Ready Nuclear Weapons

Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with John Burroughs, executive director with the Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy, who examines the Pentagon's Nuclear Posture Review, and the consequences for the international movement working for nuclear non-proliferation.
Pentagon's Nuclear Posture Review Proposes U.S. Build New Battle-Field Ready Nuclear Weapons

Between The Lines' Scott Harris

Major news outlets recently reported that the Pentagon has recommended the development of a new generation of nuclear weapons for use against U.S. enemies such as Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya and North Korea as well as Russia and China. The secret document leaked to the press, called the Nuclear Posture Review, calls for research that would produce low-yield nuclear weapons that will be capable of destroying underground bunkers built to protect an enemy's leadership, as well as biological, chemical or nuclear weapons stockpiles. Speaking for the Bush administration, Secretary of State Colin Powell maintains the document is simply part of "prudent military planning."

The idea that the U.S. may be planning to build battlefield-ready nukes that could be launched against non-nuclear adversaries has alarmed leaders around the world, including those of Russia and China. Many arms control advocates fear that any U.S. move contemplating the use of such weapons could scuttle arms agreements across the globe and trigger a new arms race. The war-time use of nuclear weapons has been considered unthinkable since the U.S. first used atomic bombs to destroy Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II.

Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with John Burroughs, executive director with the Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy, who examines the Pentagon's Nuclear Posture Review, and the consequences for the international movement working for nuclear non-proliferation(A RealAudio Version of this interview may be found at

Call the Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy at (212) 818-1861 or visit their Web site at

Related links:
Abolition 2000: Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons

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