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Commentary :: Elections & Legislation : Middle East : Military : Right Wing : War in Iraq

Bush Duped In Iraq

Bush Supporters are duped, as was Bush when he led the US Military into an Iraqi trap
"Ahm ah Wore Tahm Prezident"

This might have gone by some people too quickly during the first so-called presidential debate:

LEHRER: New question, Mr. President, two minutes. You have said there was a, quote, "miscalculation," of what the conditions would be in post-war Iraq. What was the miscalculation, and how did it happen?

BUSH: No, what I said was that, because we achieved such a rapid victory, more of the Saddam loyalists were around. I mean, we thought we'd whip [Kill] more of them going in.

But because Tommy Franks did such a great job in planning the operation, we moved rapidly, and a lot of the Baathists and Saddam loyalists laid down their arms and disappeared. I thought they would stay and fight, but they didn't. And now we're fighting them now.

Bush Supporters Don't Get It

"Maybe" The Iraqis aren't stupid. "Maybe" the Iraqis planned to "disappear" when overwhelming US force showed up. "Maybe" in his zeal to be "A Wore Tam Prezident" Bush allowed the US to be led down a blind alley, led the US troops into a trap. "Maybe" Bush should be fired.

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