Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

News :: Civil & Human Rights

White Power Propaganda Found

The Well known National Alliance is maintaining its chapter in Baltimore by spreading to the prodominately white suburbs with its National Socialist propaganda. Read more-- including addresses.
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Dear fellow Anti-racists,

White power propaganda was found in Arnold Maryland, Near Severna Park from the Baltimore Chapter of the National Alliance. It was said that the flyers neatly wrapped in plastic could be seen in numerous driveways, yards etc.

National Alliance
PO Box 43433, Baltimore MD 21236
(410) 813-4017

Other info on flyer:

National Alliance
PO Box 90, Hillsboro WV 24946 USA
Resistance Records
PO Box 67, Hillsboro WV 24946 USA



"We're looking for a Few Good Vikings"
The contents of the Flyers were aimed towards defaming Black "heroes" like Martin Luther king jr. while beatifying Leif Eriksson. "October has been declared White History Month."
It aims towards using American Patriotism to fortify Racial pride, Including that "White people are threatened with extinction from Third World invasion and race mixing propaganda." Further to bash "Jewish controlled television, politically correct anti white messages, neo-communism etc.
Also attempts to frighten by posting a picture of a small innocent looking white girl and captioning "....where she stands a greater than one in four chance of being raped, probably by a non-white"-- which is a bizarre and innaccurate statistic.)

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