My Poem for World Peace!
(Where’s My Daddy?)
Daddy, I know you find it hard to live in this world of push and shove,
So whenever I leave you daddy, I'll give you a kiss to show my love.
Daddy, I know you feel as though you're constantly being hit with giant boulders,
But I can tell you it’s not you're job, to carry this entire world upon your shoulders.
Daddy, I know you truly believe that you're experiencing the final fight,
But could I have your attention daddy, because now I can reach the light.
Daddy, I know you're hurting so much inside, so you've had to run and hide,
But I can tell you daddy, the answer you seek does not reside outside.
I can't imagine daddy, how it feels to be so worn and wild,
So I'm here to tell you daddy, there’s nothing like the pure smile of a child.
Daddy, I know it eats you up inside to see all the children locked away,
So bend down daddy, I have a secret; as they'll all soon cease their stay.
Daddy, I know it’s very difficult for you to feel such hate,
But the time has come my daddy to truly discover your fate.
Daddy, you've got that worried look again as though this is your final hour,
So here my daddy, Mummy and I have gone and picked you a pretty flower.
That’s it daddy the answer you're after soon you'll find,
The one that lives deep within your infinite, bottomless mind.
Hold my little hand now daddy for I know you're feeling the epitome of dearth,
But I'm sorry daddy you have to let go now, for only you can walk the path.
Well done daddy you've made me so proud, as I know you can truly see,
That life’s great mystery is simply, You are You and I am Me!
Copyright © 2004 - Kristin
"Nothing is more Powerful than the Unconditional Love of a Child!"