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LOCAL Announcement :: U.S. Government

**Flash**CALL FOR ACTION** RNC Solidarity Candlelight Vigil Sep 2

To show solidarity with RNC demonstrators in NYC and to say "Our Grief Is Not a Cry for War!", I am calling for a nonviolent candlelight vigil on Thursday Sep 2 at 8pm, as George Bush accepts the nomination of the Republican Party in New York.
United for Peace and Justice is calling for a candle light vigil in New York as George Bush is officially nominated as the Republican candidate for President. I call for us to meet in Baltimore in solidarity with those on the streets in NYC and to say "Our Grief Is Not a Cry for War!"

When: Thursday Sep 2, 7:30pm-9:00pm
Where: N. Charles and Center St, Baltimore, MD (South end of the park below the Washington Monument)
Why: To mourn the vicitm's of the Bush administration's policies.
What: Candlelight Vigil

Bring candles, signs honoring those who have died and will die because of George Bush's wars and policieis, names of the dead of any nationality, and a spirit of solemn, peaceful outrage.

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