Baltimore County resident and teacher Lea Jones writes, records and produces CD * SWING STATES * featuring a bright, lively, smart, funny blend of acoustic and electric numbers condemning George W. Bush's administration. Jones and the band are taking this music on the road to help dethrone Bush.

Swing State Road Show: Musician Lea Jones puts his songs where his mouth is, and his mouth is saying "Dump Bush."
Baltimore County resident and teacher Lea Jones writes, records and produces CD * SWING STATES * featuring a bright, lively, smart, funny blend of acoustic and electric numbers condemning George W. Bush's administration.
the Road Trip
The band * THE SWING STATES ROAD SHOW * travels to seven states by mid-August, performing at pro-Kerry events in Virginia, Massachusetts, New Jersey, California, Maryland, and Pennsylvania and at counter-demonstrations(protesting Dubya's appearances) in West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, receiving glowing reviews at every stop.
Latest News from on the Road
The band closes for Howard Dean in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, and is slated to open for John Edwards in West Virginia. Three time national finger-picking champion Rolly Brown sits in during New Hope, PA, show. True Majority Pig hogs the limelight in Parkersburg, WV.
The Music
The CD, produced on a shoestring with donations from friends and strangers, and featuring performances, studio time, and graphic arts all donated as well * begins receiving airplay across the country on indie, college, and folk radio stations. ("Just got Swing States. So very funny good... Send me extras.. I expect a healthy rotation..." KMUD - Music Director)
Where does the money go?
Initial proceeds from the sale of the CD (~$5,000 right off the top) are pledged to PACs Move On and True Majority. Subsequent proceeds are pledged to state Democratic Headquarters in local swing states.
Burn Him
Swing States Director Lea Jones wonders what the hell he has to do to get the media to cover an interesting, upbeat, grassroots story of one guy giving his all to help swing the election over to John Kerry.... Self-immolation? Don't laugh.
Lea Jones, Director
The Swing States Road Show
443-413-6826 for mp3 samples