Today we are releasing a list of delegates to the 2004 Republican National Convention. This list includes the names, address, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of RNC delegates in addition to what hotel each one is staying at during their invasion of New York City.

"The earth is not dying, it is being killed. And those that are killing it have names and addresses."
— Utah Phillips
At the 2004 Republican National Convention, the self-appointed managers of the world will be discussing their party platform of racism, imperialism and the violent suppression of human liberty. They will proudly renominate the unelected president of an illegitimate government. For the past four years, in the United States, we have seen a terrifying increase in racism against Arabs and Muslinms, the passage of the draconian USA PATRIOT Act, handouts to the rich that would make Reagan blush, millions of lost jobs, and an accelerated continuation of the war against the poor and the oppressed. Abroad, the Empire has claimed the stage of history as its own, even ignoring many of its old imperial allies, invaded two sovereign states, started a bogus “War on Terror”, overseen a coup in Haiti, attempted to overthrow the Venezuelan government, overseen, aided, and authorized the brutal and illegal Israeli occupation of Palestine, and generally accelerated and intensified an already belligerent imperial system of domination which threatens the Earth and all its peoples. In short, the violent expansion of this rotten system is on one side, and all of us on the other. We view the Republican Party as one of the most important organizations of the ruling class, selling and intellectualizing this system to all thanks in part to a compliant corporate media system. (But do not misinterpret us, we do not view the Democratic Party as an opposition party, but rather as another side of the same coin.) With this in mind we are encouraged by the mobilization in Boston against the Democratic National Convention, and the massive mobilization planned for New York City against the Republican National Convention.
As a small contribution to the anti-RNC efforts, today we are releasing a list of delegates to the 2004 Republican National Convention. This list includes the names, address, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of RNC delegates in addition to what hotel each one is staying at during their invasion of New York City. It is not a complete list, but does include information on over 1600 delegates gathered from a variety of sources. It is based on a list that was released on the Internet earlier this summer by an anonymous affinity group. We have verified much of this data, expanded upon it, and republished it more broadly.
Our objectives are to:
- Supply anti-RNC groups with data on the delegates to use in whatever way they see fit.
- Supply a body of information that can be easily added to.
- Encourage the republishing and redistribution of this data.
- Facilitate making local connections. Many of these delegates are involved in politics and business on a town or county level.
A CSV (comma-delimited file) is supplied with this article (along with a PGP signature). This text-only format was chosen for distribution since it can be easily converted to many other formats like an Excel spreadsheet, HTML, or even an SQL database. (A caveat for importing this CSV file: Some programs, by default, may interpret ZIP codes as numerical data and remove the leading zero, where applicable. Check your settings and program instructions.)
As stated, this is not a 100% complete list, and not 100% accurate, but much of the delegate information has already been verified.
Questions or updates to this list may be directed to this e-mail address: rncdelegates (at)
Any source of contributed info will remain anonymous of course. We encourage the use of encrpytion. The PGP key for this e-mail address is available on the Hushmail keyserver or upon request.
Shut down the RNC!