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Review :: Media

A Review of "In Plane Site", by Scott Loughrey

Scott Loughrey reviews the 911 video "In Plane Site", which is taking the country by storm.
Looking to participate in effective social activism? Host an “In Plane Site” (IPS) party and invite dozens of your best friends. Get them to do the same. If enough people can be persuaded to critically review the images shown by the TV networks on 9/11/01 it might bring about the destruction of the Bush Regime.

IPS is a new 75-minute video produced by mellifluous talk radio host Dave vonKleist. It discusses the Pentagon strike, includes eyewitness commentary and concludes with a visual analysis of Flight 175 striking the South Tower.

IPS is strongest when it reexamines the visual documentation in the immediate aftermath of Flight 77 striking the Pentagon. That there was never any plane wreckage at the Pentagon is obvious. The lack of any debris or damage to the lawn has already been the source of some great websites (such as Thierry Meyssan’s “Hunt the Boeing”, and Killtown’s “The Amazing Pentalawn 2000”). IPS contributes to this dialogue by showing how the roofline of the Pentagon was intact in the early news reports. The collapse of this roof was actually shown (briefly) on TV! VonKleist has rescued this seldom-seen footage from the media’s Memory Hole. The images of the intact roof and approximately 19’ hole in the Pentagon’s wall destroy the claim that it was struck by a Boeing 767.

VonKleist follows the Pentagon segment by recovering witness statements given live on the air which do not conform to the official story of 9/11. This includes a man who saw a missile with wings hit the Pentagon. Another man is positive that the Flight 11 he saw strike the North Tower was no commercial jet as it had no windows and had a curious blue logo in front. This observation is similar to the hysterical woman who remarks that what hit the South Tower was not an American Airlines plane. VonKleist points out that none of the witnesses who contradicted the official story of 9/11 were ever interviewed on the TV networks again.

When moving to the video analyses of the South Tower hit vonKleist begins to make mistakes. While it is good that he is reviewing this documentation he simply draws the wrong conclusions from it.

VonKleist notes the presence of the “pod” seen on the belly of Flight 175. This visual anomaly has been popularized by webmaster Phil Jayhan (who in turn borrowed from The Webfairy). The theory put forth by “The Pod People” is that Flight 175 was carrying explosives. This implies that Flight 175 was real and that it was not under the control of Arab hijackers.

However, it is not logical to employ a visual anomaly as proof that an object existed. This is particularly true when there are even more serious visual anomalies with the video footage besides the pod. To name just one, vonKleist fails to mention that Flight 175 enters the South Tower fully intact with no sign of distress to its chassis. In the real world, jets are made largely of aluminum. In a mid-air collision between a jet and a steel building, the steel building wins easily. The instant the jet collides with the South Tower its fuselage should be shattering into metallic confetti. Certainly the wings and probably its engines would be expected to break off before entering the Tower. The anomaly of Flight 175 completely disappearing inside the South Tower has been tirelessly promoted by The Webfairy and has justifiably gained her a large audience on the Web.

It is too bad that Dave vonKleist did not remark on Webfairy’s work, or mine, which builds upon it. In my site I lay a foundation for the argument that the TV networks--specifically CNN--aired fake videos of an animated Flight 175 striking the South Tower. Instead of there being some truth to the official story that was 19 crazed hijackers working for Osama bin Laden, my video hoax theory renders the entire story of planes striking the WTC as a massive PsyOps campaign.

My disagreement with it notwithstanding, ‘In Plane Site’ blows apart the official story of 9/11. I recommend that people looking for an effective means to stop the Bush Regime promote it heavily.


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