Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Children

Education misscarriage

Education's failures overlooked
If you travel the world (even Mexico/Canada count) you will notice that:
a) puberty happens to an average male child at the ages 12, 13, 14, 15,
b) adolescence (with all the adolescent crisis) commonly between 16 and 19
c) first steps to maturity (car, home, work) during mid 20s

Not so in our country. Children experience
a) puberty at about 18 (prom nights),
b) adolescence in mid 20s (buying a pick-up truck as an extenstion of their penis, and sexual frustration)
c) some semblance of maturity only in mid 30s getting married, drunk, going to strip clubs, cheating of a spouse, wife beating etc. all now seem to be the "RIGHT OF PASSAGE"

If our education system is so inept as not to allow a natural process to take place in it's formative years than we are sentenced to live surrounded by impotent, immature morons who one day end up running for office. Is it any wonder we are in this mess now? It all started a long time ago in the K-12 years

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