Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Activism

Get ready for the Republican National Convention! Trainings in protest health and safety, no your rights, direct action and affinity groups.

Get ready for the Republican National Convention! Trainings in protest health and safety, no your rights, direct action and affinity groups.

A sweeping call for direct action and civil disobedience has been made for the Republican National Convention happening in New York City at the end of August. This is a critical moment to stand up and say no to Bush, not to the US Empire! It is important to be as prepared as possible for whatever may come your way while in NYC whether you are part of direct action or part of permitted events. Mobilization for Global Justice as part of the DC conventions coalition is hosting a set of trainings to do just that.
Saturday, August 14th 12:30 – 4:30
Direct Action/affinity groups: how to take part in direct action safetly and effectively and what is an affinity group, how to form one and how to make them effective.

Café Mowonaj: 624 T St. NW upstairs meeting space
(Two blocks from Shaw/Howard metro on the green line, take Howard University exit)
Facilitated by School of the Americas Watch
Suggested donation: $5 (no one turned away for lack of funds)

Sunday, August 15th 12:30-4:30
Protest health and safety/no your rights: Basics on how to handle such things as pepper spray and what to do if someone is hurt. Also basic legal training on what your rights are while protesting and what to do if you are someone in your group is arrested.

Café Mowonaj: 624 T St. NW upstairs meeting space
(Two blocks from Shaw Howard Metro on the green line, take the Howard University exit)
Facilitated by the DC legal collective and DC street medics collective
Suggested donation: $5 (no one turned away for lack of funds)

For more information: Call 202-258-1822 or e-mail

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