Announcing the formation of a Baltimore Corporate Study Group. See the full announcement for a summary of the 10-part reading list, and a link to all of the materials.

10-Part Study Group Challenging Corporations and Asserting the People's Rights
Challenging Corporate Power & Asserting the People’s Rights: 10-Part Self-Study Group
If you are curious about this study group, and would be interested in being included in initial planning steps, please contact me. You can bow out if you decide later that it's not for you. The first session is likely to start soon after Labor Day weekend (Sept. 4-6)
Outline of the 10-Session Study Group Material:
Session I - Introduction
Session II - Historical Overview of the Corporate Taking of Our Authority to Govern
Session III - Corporate Personhood
Session IV - The Regulatory State
Session V - Private Property and the Recovery of the Commons
Session VI - People's and Workers' Resistance Movements
Session VII - Economic Development and Militarism
Session VIII - Global Corporatization
Session IX - What Does Democracy Look Like?
Session X - Where Do We Go From Here: Local Campaign Development
The 10-Session Study Group:
The study groups are structured into ten sessions. Participants receive materials to read on their own, and then they come together as a group to discuss their reactions and ideas. (There's no advance preparation required for the introduction session.) The focus is on process as much as content, as groups are encouraged to practice democracy in their interactions and explore just what that means. At the end of the ten sessions, groups can decide if they'd like to continue meeting, take action, or disband.
Source: Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom:
You May Review the Study Materials at:..