Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Miscellaneous

R.I.P. Jon Caplins

Baltimore Resident and political activist is found dead last saturday night.
Jon Caplins 22, a revolutionary gone. A friend Gone. A great guy. It will take a lot to ease this pain.

Some words from me about/to jon:

It really destroys me when someone young dies. Especially if that person was unique, political, intelligent and overall one of the better ones, one of the best ones.
It feels like yesterday me and him were playing monopoly with mark sitting around drinking 3 day old keg beer and talking about life and goals of his new house, hanging out, laughing and having a Good time even if it was just playing monopoly and not following the rules.
He shared everything, he didn't believe in posessions, he made sure he shared his stuff with his brothers and sisters. I remember 2 weeks ago sitting in 'Our Daily Bread' (a soup kitchen) and not having much vegan stuff on my plate to eat and before I could say anything or trade something... Jon was pushing half his plate of what vegan food he had onto my plate with a fork and didn't expect me to give him anything.

I had a lot of good times with Jon, growing up in a redneck town he was a breath of fresh air to see at parties or anywhere. He took me to my first protest and we went to countless actions, shows and parties, but more importantly all the deep conversations we had about everything. It was great to have someone about the same age as me back then when things were fucking confusing to share new ideas with and work out problems with. Cheers to Jon for showing me when I was a young misanthrope :)
He was a great kid and always will be according to me no matter what his afflications were.
I am truly going to miss good ol' reliable Jon. It was fucking great growing up into the punk scene with good kids like Jon.
I learned a great deal from jon as well as Many others have, many who weren't even into politics and punk rock.
We shall never forget you Jon.
Much Love.

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