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US Brig. Gen. Karpinski on "Who is Responsible for Abu Ghraib Abuses?"

US Brig. Gen. Janis Karpinski tells "The Signal" who she believes is responsible for the abuses at Abu Ghraib.
Brig. Gen. Janis Karpinski on "Who is Responsible for Abu Ghraib Abuses?"

Signal: Who is — who are the responsible parties for the prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib?

Karpinski: I don't know. I could tell you that — you want my opinion?

Signal: Yes.

Karpinski: Gen. Miller. [architect of Guantanamo Bay interrogation program, which he transferred to Iraq]; Gen. Fast. [responsible for intelligence in Iraq]; Gen. Sanchez. (Defense Undersecretary Stephen A.) Cambone. I don't know if it stops at Cambone, but I believe that he was orchestrating it, he was directing. And Gen. Karpinski. Because she didn't yell loud enough. She didn't object enough.

So — I — those soldiers are mine. I have an obligation to protect them, and I have an obligation to support them, and I have an obligation to make sure that there is not a miscarriage of justice.

Source: "The Signal" interview with Janis Karpinski, July 4, 2004.

The Signal is based in Santa Clara, CA.

CLICK HERE for Full Interview

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