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Mumia Update: Stay of Execution NOT lifted...but...

This corrects earlier notices about Mumia's stay of execution being lifted. That was not accurate. A stay of PROCEEDINGS was disolved. This also elaborates on the still urgent situation. is NOT the case that the Stay of Execution has been lifted. That stay is still in effect.

Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the July 15, 2004
issue of Workers World newspaper

Evidence to Prove his Innocence Still Unheard

By Monica Moorehead

On June 29, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit lifted its
stay of proceedings in the case of death-row political prisoner Mumia
Abu-Jamal and ordered a briefing on this matter. Robert R. Bryan, his
lead attorney, says: "This should be a wake-up call to the movement.
Mumia's case is now moving forward. He is in extremely grave danger. The
authorities want to silence his voice and pen."

Mumia Abu-Jamal is one victim among millions who have been exploited and
oppres sed by the anti-poor, unjust U.S. criminal justice system. The
significance of his case, however, goes beyond his struggle against a
racist judicial frame-up. Despite being physically isolated on death
row, Abu-Jamal has used his words and audio commentaries to provide a
powerful, distinct voice in the worldwide movement against imperialist
war in Iraq and occupation in Palestine, Haiti and Afghanistan.

The circuit court had been awaiting a U.S. Supreme Court decision in the
case of Beard v. Banks, which will lead to Mumia's execution if the
prosecution has its way.

Bryan explains the significance of this complicated ruling: "The Supreme
Court ruled on the appeal by Pennsylvania state authorities stemming
from a Court of Appeals decision that invalidated the death sentence of
George Banks, who has been on death row over 20 years for multiple
murder. Mr. Banks' death sentence had been overturned by the Court of
Appeals on the grounds that the instructions to the jury in Banks' case
violated a Supreme Court ruling which held that jurors did not have to
agree unanimously on the existence of mitigating circumstances in order
to vote against the death penalty. The key issue in the Banks case was
whether another case, Mills v. Maryland, 486 U.S. 367, decided in 1988,
could be applied retroactively. The Court of Appeals for the Third
Circuit had ruled that Mills was retroactive and therefore applied to
Banks, which became final in 1987.

"In Mumia's case retroactivity regarding Banks/Mills was not an issue,
since Mumia's proceeding was technically finalized in 1990 and therefore
was fully covered by Mills. ... The U.S. Supreme Court reversed a
critical portion of the Banks case on retroactivity, which held as
unconstitutional capital sentencing schemes that require juries to
disregard mitigating factors not found unanimously.

"The Supreme Court ruled that Mills did not apply retroactively. The
court determined that the Banks conviction became final in 1987; thus,
the 1988 Mills decision did not affect his case even though what had
occurred was unconstitutional. Hence, Mr. Banks and some 30 other
Pennsylvania death row inmates similarly situated could not benefit from
the Mills decision and their original death penalty judgments must

This crucial decision comes after more than four years of federal
appeals. U.S. Federal District Judge William Yohn was assigned to Abu-
Jamal's case in October 1999. He was charged with determining whether
Abu-Jamal should have an evidentiary hearing and new trial. Such a
hearing would have allowed evidence that had been suppressed to finally
be heard and entered into court record. That would give Abu-Jamal a
chance to prove his innocence in the 1981 killing of Philadelphia
police officer Daniel Faulkner.

Yohn issued a ruling on Dec. 18, 2001, that threw out the original death
sentence for Mumia Abu-Jamal resulting from his 1982 trial. But Yohn
upheld Abu-Jamal's conviction on the charge that he shot Faulkner. If
Yohn's ruling had not been challenged within 180 days, Abu-Jamal would
have gone through a new penalty trial that could have brought about
either life imprisonment or, again, the death penalty.

The Philadelphia District Attorney's office, hoping to see Mumia
executed, appealed Yohn's ruling. This led to the current ruling by the
Third Circuit Court.

Attorney Bryan has appealed to the public: "The government knows that
the only way to stop Mumia is to murder him in the name of the law, to
execute him. In over three decades of litigating death-penalty cases, I
have not seen one in which the government wants so badly to kill a
client. We must not rest until Mumia is free."

Bryan is awaiting a ruling on a petition he filed in the Court of Common
Pleas in Philadelphia concerning new evidence of innocence and
prosecutorial misconduct during Mumia's original trial. Bryan will also
be filing a petition in the U.S. District Court regarding a statement
made by Judge Albert Sabo during Abu-Jamal's trial. Court stenographer
Terri Maurer-Carter has signed a legal affidavit saying she overheard
Sabo say about Abu-Jamal: "Yeah, and I'm going to help 'em fry the n----

The political movement must be ready to mobilize in the streets to
demand Abu-Jamal's freedom. Twice when Tom Ridge--now head of the
federal Depart ment of Homeland Security--was governor of Pennsylvania,
he tried to legally lynch this revolutionary journalist and former Black
Panther. Both times, in August 1995 and October 1999, Abu-Jamal's
supporters turned out in the thousands to stop his execution.

The powers-that-be want to forever silence him because of his belief in
worldwide social revolution. That is why the movement must use every
avenue to free him.

- END -

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