Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Miscellaneous

Summer Activism Heats Up! Join the Young Democratic Socialists this summer in Boston, New York City and beyond!

Summer Activism Heats Up!
Join the Young Democratic Socialists this summer in Boston, New York City and beyond!

Besides the three highlighted events listed below, YDS is also encouraging members and supporters to come to New York City this summer to work as volunteer interns, to help organize the exciting educational forums and protest actions we have planned, and to make history as we mobilize in massive numbers to counter the Republican National Convention (August 29-September 4th) and the disastrous Bush agenda.

We will help you locate accommodations and coordinate your stay in NYC. Please contact us (212-727-8610 or if you are interested in interning with YDS, helping out or joining with us at the following events:

YDS at the Boston Social Forum and the Democratic National Convention
July 23-29 - Boston, Mass

YDSers will be in Boston this summer for several days of progressive politics, protest and parties. We will first attend the Boston Social Forum (July 23-25 weekend - where YDS will be sponsoring workshops entitled, "Building the Youth and Student Wing of the Dump Bush Movement" and "International Perspectives on Student Movement Organizing" (featuring leaders from powerful student unions and members of the International Union of Socialist Youth - the largest youth coalition in the world). YDS is also co-sponsoring a "Books Not Bombs" panel discussion with the National Youth & Student Peace Coalition. We will stay in Boston for the Democratic National Convention (July 26-29) to participate in neighborhood "people's parties" (should be fun!) and other progressive events organized outside the Convention.

YDS National Conference - The Fightback: Students, Youth & the Dump Bush Movement
August 13-15 - New York City

YDS will be hosting a conference during the August 13-15 weekend in NYC. The conference will focus on the immediate tasks of the dump Bush movement, mobilizing for the Republican National Convention protests and developing effective strategies for long-term social change. The conference will feature speakers and workshops of interest to all progressives, as well as offer resources and activist training for students wanting to organize campaigns and engage youth in the 2004 elections on their campuses. The timing is perfect, as the conference takes place shortly before many students start the fall semester.

BUILD YDS! Want to help develop a smart, strategic, and effective national student and youth organization? On the last day of the conference (Sunday, August 15th), we will set our activist agenda for the coming year and conduct workshop trainings on how to build YDS chapters and campaigns on your campuses and in your communities. On Sunday, we will also elect officers to the YDS Coordinating Committee (Click here to learn more about YDS’ national structure - We strongly encourage you to join us!

Books Not Bombs Youth Convergence
August 28th - New York City

The National Youth & Student Peace Coalition (of which YDS is an active member) will be sponsoring a 'Books Not Bombs Youth Convergence' on August 28th in New York City, the day before the massive protests against the Republican National Convention begin. YDSers will be among those helping to organize and promote this youth and student day of activities. We encourage you to join us.

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