Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

News :: Activism

URGENT---Help Jail Solidarity Participants in S.F.

Make a phone call to tell the cops to free the jailed protestors from Tuesday's mass arrest.
Please call the jail where these protestors are being held and demand their release. 1.415.575.4418
Thank you, and peace out.

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6/8/04: In a massive display of multi-agency overtime, city, state and federal police forces effectively shutdown the West Coast anti-G8 message and reasserted their hold on SF's main thoroughfares, at least for today. SF Reclaim the Streets had called for a mutant-themed anti-G8 RTS action in San Francisco today at 5 p.m. The sound system and costumed mutants gathered at UN Plaza, threw a stationary street party and then took to Market Street. Within a few blocks, however, a sizeable portion of the mass was encircled by SFPD, California Highway Patrol and Federal Protective Services. Officers reportedly offered the corralled demonstrators a chance to be either "cited and released" or arrested -- although when Freak Radio Santa Cruz correspondent Bradley attempted to leave the encirclement, he was beaten by police. Police ended up making around 150 arrests at 5th and Market Streets. Meanwhile, police attacked and beat with sticks a number of protesters, bystanders and a homeless man outside the encirclement. Several protesters were grabbed off the sidewalk and arrested for no reason at all, including several who had been photographing police violence. Police paddywagons blocked buses and trollies for over 4 hours.


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