Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: U.S. Government

Know your rights, all three of them

Pay close attention to the Jose Padilla case. If the government can remove Padilla from the US Constitution it can do so to every other citizen as well.
Padilla Case Puts Lawyers in Limbo, Too:

Know your rights when the government accuses you of being a terrorist:

1. "This spring the Pentagon finally allowed Newman to meet again with Padilla, but only if two government officials monitored and videotaped their conversation."

This means that you no longer have the right to speak alone with an attorney.

2. "Other legal scholars take a more sympathetic view of the administration's task, arguing that it is too early to give Padilla unfettered access to the American legal system."

This means that you no longer have the legal rights of citizens if the government says you don't.

3. "This raises the possibility that Padilla might find himself in a legal Catch-22, too difficult to prosecute and too dangerous to release."

This means that the government can NOW lock you up indefinitely regardless of what any court of law, even the Supreme Court says. In effect, the Executive Branch of our government has quietly eliminated the Judicial branch.

Folks, don't spend too much time with the deluge of stories coming that pertain to the late Ronald Reagan. The Padilla case is far more relevant to us all.

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