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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

BTL:Filmmaker Ken Burns Condemns Bush Policies on War and Civil Liberties

Speech excerpt by Ken Burns, filmmaker and historian, produced by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus
Filmmaker Ken Burns Condemns Bush Policies on War and Civil Liberties

Speech excerpt by Ken Burns, filmmaker and historian, produced by Melinda Tuhus

Filmmaker and historian Ken Burns is best known for his documentaries, including his award-winning series on the Civil War, the highest rated program in the history of American public television. Burns spoke at Yale University's College Class Day on May 23, an annual affair that takes place the day before commencement exercises.

In his address, Burns spoke about the leadership of President Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War and America's current war on terrorism. He expressed disagreement with President Bush's conduct of that war and concern over the threats to civil liberties and democracy posed by our own government.

As Burns addressed the graduates and their families, helicopters flew overhead, patrolling the airspace above the campus while President Bush made a private visit to New Haven to celebrate his daughter's graduation from Yale. Burns himself has a daughter in the Yale class of 2004. The following is an excerpt from Ken Burns' speech, which was recorded and produced by Between The Lines' Melinda Tuhus.

Related links:

Filmmaker and Historian Ken Burns, Between The Lines Q&A transcript of anti-war speech excerpt at Yale Class Day, May 23, 2004

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