Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Baltimore MD

Word-Life Open Mike

Word-Life Open Mike will be hosting its left-leaning open mike poetry and music this coming Wens., June 2, at 8 PM at ALL People's Congress, which is located on 32nd Street between Charles and Greenmount across the street from Normal's. Musicians, poets, spoken word artists, rappers, and other performers are welcome.
The open mike is entering its fifth month.
Word-Life Open Mike will be hosting its left-leaning open mike poetry and music session this coming Wens., June 2.
It commences at 8 PM at ALL People's Congress, which is located on 32nd Street between Charles and Greenmount across the street from Normal's.
Musicians, poets, spoken word artists, rappers, and other performers are welcome. The artistic performance does not have to be political; though much of what transpires is.
The open mike is entering its fifth month.

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