Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Gender and Sexuality : Miscellaneous

2004 NoNo Award Presented to Insects, then Rescinded

Just Say No Foundation rescinds award (humor)
The Nancy Reagan “Just Say No” Foundation announced today that its 2004 NoNo award has been rescinded. The award had been presented to Magicicada, the insect group presently emerging from the ground in multiple eastern and Midwestern states, marking the first time it had been presented to a group of species rather than an individual.

At the presentation, Ms. Reagan remarked: “Every single one of these things has remained a virgin for almost seventeen years, and they’re just bugs! You’d think our teenagers would be able to do at least as well.”

The Foundation retracted the award when informed that Magicicada does not develop sexual organs until the seventeenth year of life.

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