Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Protest Activity

DC DNC-RNC Protests Coalition Meeting, May 6, 7-9 PM St. Stephens

Baltimore groups and individuals are encouraged to take note and participate in the planning process for the protests at the major party political conventions.
Please forward widely

Our kickoff DC Democratic and Republican National Conventions Protests Coalition meeting is Thursday, May 6, from 7-9 PM at St. Stephens (16th and Newton Streets NW). This is a very important meeting, not only for introducing, but also for shaping exactly how DC will plan for the national conventions and for events leading up to them.

The general public is welcome, but it's especially important for groups who have said they would be involved to send at least one rep to the meeting (you are not limited to one rep). If you think you might be interested, it is also important for you to attend.

Individuals unaffiliated with groups are also encouraged to attend, especially those who want to help with planning a local event (William Rivers Pitt) or with the mobilizations to Boston and New York.

The agenda will involve significant time for introductions and for sharing with participants the progress to date in planning. We will have an open discussion session. Then, we'll sit and decide what the next steps are. Feel free to bring fliers for your groups' events.

Please RSVP. It's not absolutely necessary, but it would help us to know who we might expect.

Jim Macdonald
DC Anti-War Network
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WHAT: Kickoff Meeting of DC DNC-RNC Protests Coalition
WHERE: St. Stephens (16th and Newton Sts. NW)
WHEN: 7-9 PM
DATE: Thursday, May 6

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