Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Activism : Media : War in Iraq

Sinclair Protest- New Time 10:45 PM TONIGHT

The Sinclair Broadcast Group ordered its ABC affiliates to preempt tonight's broadcast of Nightline, which will air the names and photos of U.S. troops who have died in Iraq.

We're holding a candlelight vigil and reading the banned names tonight outside Sinclair's corporate headquarters in Hunt Valley, Baltimore County.

Tonight, at 11:35 Ted Kopell will read the names of all 700 American Servicmen who have been killed in Iraq. In reaction, the Sinclair Broadcast Group, the largest owner of ABC stations is prohibiting its member stations from running the show.

You may not realize it, but the corporate headquarters for the Sinclair Broadcasting Group is RIGHT IN OUR BACK YARD, in Baltimore County.

We're holding a candlelight vigil and reading the banned names tonight outside Sinclair's corporate headquarters in Hunt Valley, Baltimore County.

We're gathering at 10:45 PM, TONIGHT, Friday, April 30. We'll read the names here in MD while Koppel reads them to the nation.

Join us and stand up to corporate control of our media.
Join us and stand up to censorship.
Join us and stand up to war and imperialism.

Sinclair's address is:
Sinclair Broadcasting Group
10706 Beaver Dam Rd
Cockeysville Hunt Valley, MD 21030

Bring signs, banners and candles.

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