Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Activism

Tell Bush the world says no to his regimes agenda

Join with us in this virtual march taking place on the 29th August 2004 at 2PM US Central Standard Time, 7PM UK time, and send a message to the rogue regime that you do not support their stance on Iraq, the so called war on terrorism, environmental and defence issues.
The World says no to the Bush agenda! Throughout the world hundreds of thousands will once again take to the streets, this time to protest the gross misuse of power by the rogue regime in the US in its handling of world affairs.

Join with us in this virtual march taking place on the 29th August 2004 at 2PM US Central Standard Time, 7PM UK time, and send a message to the rogue regime that you do not support their stance on Iraq, the so called war on terrorism, environmental and defence issues.

To sign up to join in with this virtual march on the White House please visit, click on the "Join this live march" button, then on "sign up now" and fill in your details.

You'll receive reminders before the protest, and shortly before the action takes place you'll receive an email with instructions on where to send your comments.

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