Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Baltimore MD

Liberation Haus

Former Owner of the Non-Famous DIY Punk club, "The BrewHenge", in Baltimore MD takes another shot at creating a center for Liberation...
Getting a job.. I hate it... but I'm going to save up for a new place in Baltimore and start a new Chapter of Crime ethics inc. and be an independent publisher.. I'll have shit loads of cash and plenty of time after work now that I am keeping my drinking to a friendly level.

Liberation Haus:

Expecting--- Sept. 2004
Who-- Former Brewhenge' Tom Liberate & Chuck Obstruct

A Living quarters (somebody's home)/Center for Radical change ...

Independent Publishing/Crimethics inc. Chapter/Zine Stars

Book tours, Film Screening/tour, Script writing/playwright/
acting, speakers--protest/guide/info/housing

Library/Pirate/Free Library/ Book deposite/
Art Space/Art reviews/Art info/local art
Occasional Accoustic music/Folk punk/unplugged/early shows

ALSO! Open Mic Nights! (Will happen every other week or so on the nights me and chuck have off)
Slam Poetry/Poetry/essay reading/acoustic/hip hop/info/plug-ins

Food not bombs/Bikes not bombs/...not bombs
Lectures/Presentations/Events/Meeting place/info etc.
Distro/Records/screen printing

Much MORE! Anything we put our minds to!

Liberation Haus will be an awesome (hopefully open house) place to be, hang out, discuss things, correlate, exchange ideas, build community and help change this fucking world!

It's also going to be A Place to be respected... No booze, No smoking, No Drugs. (Sorry, thank the people who can't handle it.)

Disrespect (i.e. smoking when asked not to, drinking alcohol, being a complete asshole, destroying something) will result in immediate, and permanent ban.
(If you're drunk, you will be told to leave for the night.)

And I don't give a fuck if you think I am a fascist...


Brewhenge failed as what I hoped it would be.. a place for liberation, fun, responsibility, community, shows, parties etc.

Liberation Haus will be my second attempt at providing another place of liberation.. no plugged in shows will happen, however... only folk & accoustic acts.
People who disrespect the place will be excommunicated as far as I'm concerned because people who disrespect shit is the reason we don't have more places that we can drink and have shows 'n' shit.

Let's make this center for radical change happen.


Tom Liberate/Chuck Obstruct
Liberation Haus

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