Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Commentary :: Labor

Solidarity with Baltimore Workers!

Help Baltimore Workers battling the foot soldiers of capitalism...Aramark and the rest of em!
Hey folks.
Let's support Baltimore workers in this awesome project!


Baltimore is a city of sweatshops, in the form of day labor and corporate outsourcing. These jobs force workers into poverty - and we're organizing an end of the poverty of Baltimore's sweatshop jobs.
End Sweatshop Baseball

What is Sweatshop City?
When you are working labor pool jobs it is hard not to think of Baltimore as a Sweatshop City.

The labor pools send you out on just about every major Baltimore project.

* The hospitals use labor pools
* The city government uses labor pools
* Downtown development uses labor pools
* And even the city's waste facilities use labor pools
* Baltimore's biggest corporations use labor pools.

And the labor pools are nothing but sweatshops.

Imagine waking up at 5 AM to wait for a job, to wait for your name to be called among the hundreds sitting like you are. And at the end of the day, for all your time at the labor pool you may get paid 4 bucks an hour once they charge you for transportation, safety equipment, and exclude the hours it took you to get to the job and back.

Most of us work two or three jobs on top of whatever money we earn at the labor pools. We work restaurant jobs, home repair jobs, janitorial services, pretty much everything that makes Baltimore run.

Find out more about UWA's End Sweathshop Baseball Campaign.

We desire to put an end to Sweatshop City, transforming Baltimore into a place where workers are paid a livable wage, where workers do not have to resort to homeless shelters and soup kitchens. As low wage workers around the city know, we have no choice but to organize, our the survival of our families depends on it.

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