Devoy Has Finally Lost it Altogether
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What began as a paranoid delusion induced by his internet activities has become a REAL LIFE tragedy of his own making. Upon reading his latest story at , I wanted to laugh but I just sat in front of my computer in disbelief. I read as he finally brought his fantasy to life and severed ties with his family because he truly believes that his OWN FATHER was at the root of the "harassment" he has experienced. Because of the action of sitting in front of a computer and reading articles, a man has been induced to sever ties with his entire family, move around the country fleeing from shadowy figures, and pointing a finger at everything from a magazine saleswoman in Austin, TX, to the FBI, the Israeli Mossad, and even the President of the United States.
KOBE Headquarters is a website dedicated to defending American ideas, democracy, and patriotism. For the past two years, Stephen R. DeVoy has accused KOBE of having ties to the Mossad, the FBI and other entities. He has claimed that a little computer store in Harbor City, California is the nexus of an international plot to defame him. He has implicated all of his ex-employers, past love interests, other websites and several innocent individuals of being involved in a plot against him. During this time, he has fled Tucson, AZ, then Austin TX to live in Massachusetts with his family, then finally he has "exiled" himself to an unknown location (for now). because he now thinks his own family is actually the source of the harassment. What a tragedy. Not Devoy, but his daughter and his wife. imagine life with a paranoid schizophrenic who sincerely believes that he is sane, and on the surface may even appear sane, but is seriously, dangerously insane.
In the first year of our encounters with Devoy, he attempted to uncover our identities, but was pathetically unsuccessful. He attempted IP traces, capturing screenshots of posts on message forums, comparing the content of posts he searched for on the internet (a process he called "linguistics analysis"), and a few ill-conceived attempts at trickery. All attempts failed. Why? Because as intelligent as Devoy thinks he is, he is really quite immature and impressionable. His mental age is probably that of a person about age 17 to 25. He runs websites at these URLs:,, , and as well as http://www.whiterosejournal.beachcitiesimc,org. At these sites, he writes about his perceptions about America, our President, and anarchy. His articles are well written, but authored by a madman. When read in that context, one can see through the eyes of a person suffering from severe paranoia (Paranoid Personality Disorder). His condition, we believe, has advanced into full blown schizophrenia.
Last year, Stephen R. DeVoy announced that he had "finally" identified his invisible harassers, we waited with interest. Previously, he had offered a bounty of $1000 for the identity of this individual whom we know as KOBE HQ. We were curious if he had actually awarded the bounty to another trickster who found a way to "prove" his information. We at KOBE knew for a fact that he had not identified anyone, but we wanted to see what he had come up with. What Devoy finally posted was so pathetically distorted and off track that some of us actually sprayed mouthfuls of soda, pizza, coffee, or beer on our monitors. I read in disbelief as Stephen rambled on about how the FBI and the Mossad were working out of a 1000sq ft computer store in Harbor City, California where the KOBE Headquarters website was once hosted. Devoy went on to name the employees of the store, the owner and even some of the other site owners on their web server as his harassers. He went as far as to fax a list of "demands" for information and making harassing telephone calls. In the coming months, Devoy's paranoia led him to look up the owners of KOBE Headquarters (a move anticipated by me far ahead of his attempts). The WHOIS information was intentionally changed to mislead and confuse. Now, it is under private registration away from the prying eyes of the public. Nevertheless, Devoy named no less than 10 different people (male and female) as being either KOBE SBM or KOBE HQ. Each time, posting an announcement on the home page of his websites in oversized type. He concocted complete details, made "connections" where there were none, and even posted pictures of these individuals where possible. None were involved with any way with KOBE or any of its members.
The last three months have revealed the final schism, or split (the root of the word schizophrenia) of Stephen Robert Devoy. After leaving Austin, Texas, as a result of his belief that "they" were coming to get him, he scooped up his small daughter and El Salvadorian wife and moved in with his father in Massachusetts. While there, he attempted to look for work, but was unsuccessful. Why? Because his references revealed a pattern of mediocre programming skills, odd work habits, an inability to work with others, and a penchant for narcissistic self-praise. It didn't help that Devoy was actively running three anarchist websites proudly displaying anti-American propaganda and "FUCK BUSH" bumper stickers either. This is what he called the "Harvard Square Occupation". It was fairly easy to gather information about his activities, since they were conducted at the subway station entrance where he could be easily observed. During this period, Devoy began to "see" his harassers as mysterious stalkers, some of which were actually trying to join him in his cause. Devoy instead believed that they were infiltrators working with KOBE. He posted pictures of them on his website, posting a new "identity" for KOBE SBM and KOBE HQ about once a week.
Finally, Devoy lost it all. He actually started to believe that his own family was involved in the "harassment". Starting with his brother, Robert John DeVoy, Stephen served him with a restraining order because he believed that his own brother was plotting to take his daughter away (based on a string of posts anonymously submitted on one of Devoy's websites). That was one week ago. Scarcely a week later, he decided that his own father, "Duncan"? was the true source of the harassment because of yet another paranoid theory that the home network was the only way someone could do what was being done. Today, the article here: was written. As you can see, DeVoy now believes that I, KOBE SBM of KOBE, is actually his father! It is no longer funny, its just plain wierd. Im a guy who lives in California, and I have never even been to Massachusetts.
If you are related to Stephen Robert DeVoy, (especially his father or his brother), I urge you to contact me at . If you are concerned about the safety of his daughter (and you should be), then you need to do something about it. SHUT DOWN THE WEBSITES. Take legal action against him. Do whatever you can. I suggest you report him to the FBI as we have. I have cached copies of Stephen's entire websites from 2002 to now, containing all the articles he has written, every person he has harassed, and every theory he has come up with. This latest development has now hit home. YOU are now his targets. Next will be his own wifem and then his daughter. This is the pattern of paranoid schizophrenia.
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