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Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Miscellaneous

Hopeless Dregs Of Humanity Contest

Suck on this, pass it around, and build the counter-culture!
HDOH Logo.jpg
Comrades... it has always been our mission here at Hopeless Dregs of Humanity headquarters to provide you with the most dopest and rockin'st webpage for your revolutionary rock n' roll needs. However, in putting together our merch section, we've discovered a lack of... hmmm... how do we say? Sass? So we've decided that we want to try to do something fun that may also incorporate and encourage some direct action.
We are holding a contest for people to submit pictures of Hopeless Dregs of Humanity merchandise for use in the "Merch" section of our webpage. The more interesting the picture, the better of a chance we'll use it. And if we do use it, we'll send you a super-duper winner's package of surprise stuff as a prize. What do you win? Wouldn't you like to know. Trust us it will be good.

So go ahead and slap that bumper sticker on that pig's car. Hey, is that your buddy smoking a joint with his Hopeless Dregs of Humanity shirt on? Grab a camera and snap a picture. In the caption, we'll swear it's just tobacco. Wouldn't that cardboard stand-up of Brittany Spears look better if she was holding "Revolutionary Rock Apocalypse"? That Coca-Cola Inc. machine sure does put a gloss on the murderer's image doesn't it? Slap another bumper sticker on it.

Send all your pictures to:
Ever Reviled Records
Attn: Hopeless Dregs of Humanity
PO Box 1904
New Brunswick, NJ 08903-1904

Hey, and don't forget that we won't post anything overtly incriminating either, for your and our security. So you might want to leave that picture of your comrade smashing in a Gap store window with a Hopeless Dregs of Humanity pin on his shirt at home. Although, if they're wearing a mask, it might be ok...

Onward to revolution!
Hopeless Dregs Of Humanity

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