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We Must Bring Down The Bush Gang To Bring Down New Nuclear Weapons Policy

Well its official! Everything we suspected and have discovered before and during the reign of the Bush monarchy comes to the surface
We Must Bring Down the Bush Gang to Bring Down New Nuclear Weapons Policy

By Lloyd Hart

Well its official! Everything we suspected and have discovered before and during the reign of the Bush monarchy comes to the surface with some in the shackled American press realizing that the Bush gang are far to mentally unstable to handle the responsibilities and the dangers inherent in and with the Presidency and the Pentagon.

Today the corporate media are finally joining with members of the government (remember the government is made up of people with access to documents) that are rebelling against the Bush regime by springing so many leaks that can only encourage the cowed press to give us the least dangerous material but providing some evidence that will hopefully inspire a majority of the public to revisit the idea that "There is a cancer growing on the White House."

The LA Times has published a story that reveals that my earlier prediction of a secret US bio attack on Israel that would then be blamed on Iraq could provoke a US nuclear attack on Baghdad.

I am going to Quote Paul Richter's article from the LA Times precisely in the next three paragraphs so you get the powerful feeling that struck me. I have already lost my father to death by radiation and fear our racism will kill millions more in a nuclear holocaust that has already claimed tens of millions.

"The Bush administration has directed the military to prepare contingency plans to use nuclear weapons against at least seven countries and to build smaller nuclear weapons for use in certain battlefield situations, according to a classified Pentagon report obtained by the Los Angeles Times."

"The secret report, which was provided to Congress on Jan. 8, says the Pentagon needs to be prepared to use nuclear weapons against China, Russia, Iraq, North Korea, Iran, Libya and Syria. It says the weapons could be used in three types of situations: against targets able to withstand nonnuclear attack; in retaliation for attack with nuclear, biological or chemical weapons; or "in the event of surprising military developments." "
"The report says the Pentagon should be prepared to use nuclear weapons in an Arab-Israeli conflict, in a war between China and Taiwan, or in an attack from North Korea on the south. They might also become necessary in an attack by Iraq on Israel or another neighbor, it said."

These three paragraph's are key to understanding what is truly going on in the Joint Chief's and White House's mind set. With this new nuclear posture America is attempting to return to the days where the entire world walked on egg shells to avoid the ruthless attentions of the US after it committed mass genocide by dropping nuclear bombs on Japan. Not to stop the war as delusional American historians would have us believe and as Japan had already begun negotiating surrender with the Americans through the Russians two months prior to the nuclear attacks, but rather to insanely illustrate American Global supremacy.

Even the most conservative liberal in congress can not deny that this policy, that is now public, reveals that the Bush gang are taking us in a direction that the entire world will rebel against aggressively by dumping resources that should be used for feeding the starving into nuclear and biological weapons programs. This policy will be celebrated by Canadian uranium mining and processing companies but will be a devastation to us all.

I believe it is now time to bring up the criminal evidence against the Bush campaign that was unearthed by investigative journalist Gregory Palast, that shows beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Bush Campaign conspired and committed tens of thousands felonies by stripping and ethnically cleansing tens of thousands of legitimate voters from the official voter lists in Florida. We must force Bush, Cheney and their entire gang to resign from office based on these allegations as they are far to dangerous and mentally unstable to govern.

I am calling on the entire Anti-Globalization community world wide to turn their attention to the very heart and soul of Neo-liberalism, the Bush Crime Family. If we remove the Bush Gang from office, Neo-liberalism will wither and die. The momentum is with us, not with the tired, old, rotten and diseased Military Industrial Complex.

When we protest the IMF and World Bank in Washington this spring let us also take it to The White House and the Pentagon. As Neo-liberalism can only survive with White House and Pentagon sponsored military force. Let us not wait until Bush decides to nuke Colombian Rebels with a battle field size bomb when they are surprised at the success of the Colombians Rebels in coming battles.

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