This dynamic multi-media presentation will bring life to the events of November 2003 in Miami, Florida in which people in the Global Justice Movement were confronted by violent police security forces implementing what has become known as the "Miami Model" for managing democratic street protests.
April 9: Police Tactics & Resistance: The Miami Model
Friday, 09 April 2004
07:00 PM - 09:00 PM
Speaker: Mike McGuire
In November 2003, Miami was host to the most recent Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) ministerial meeting to negotiate a pending trade agreement. The FTAA seeks to extend the provisions of the North American "Free" Trade Agreement (NAFTA) to all of the Western Hemisphere. The Global Justice Movement, composed of organized labor, progressive NGO's, environmental, and community and social justice groups from all over the hemisphere traveled to Miami to protest the proposed FTAA agreement.
Miami police and government officials, with support from private contractors, spent about $8.5 million on "security," using funds ear-marked in the $8.7 Billion Iraq supplemental package passed by Congress in September 2003. The police created an environment that was very hostile to our freedoms of expression, assembly, speech and petition. Indeed, Miami became a police state where our rights were trampled upon.
Miami Mayor Manny Diaz referred to FTAA security as a model for homeland security across the Country. This multimedia workshop will address what has become known as the "Miami Model" as well as the activist model employed in Miami.
Mike McGuire is a long time Latin America solidarity, labor and global justice activist. He participated in the mobilization in Seattle against the WTO and most of the major global justice mobilizations since. Additionally, he helped with the mobilizations in Cancun against the WTO and, of course, Miami against the FTAA.
See Also,
"The Miami Model: Observations on a Corporate and Government Alliance"
UB Progressives and Coalition Against Global Exploitation (CAGE)
University of Baltimore Thumel Business Center Auditorium
South East corner of North Charles & Mt. Royal Ave., the Business Center Auditorium is up a flight of stairs.
CLICK HERE for PDF Event Flier
Cost: FREE

Grafitti from Biscayne Blvd in Miami reflects an artist's view of the police preparing for FTAA protesters. The April 9, 2004 talk will discuss the "Miami Model: Police Tactics & Resistance"
April 10 Teach-in:
"Imperialism and Global Plunder: The Institutions, the Resistance and the Alternatives"
Saturday, 10 April 2004
12:00 Noon - 05:30 PM
Universtiy of Baltimore Business Center
South East corner of North Charles & Mt. Royal Ave.
More Information