Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Activism

Pittsburgh protesters need help!!!

A lockdown of a building is in progress, and state repression has begun!
Please forward-

If anyone can make it to Pittsburgh on March 20th please do! We need help. An anti-war lockdown has already begun, and the medic space has been raided. The below message was posted on POG is forwarding it as far as possible. The Pittsburgh police have also just raided a medic house. All of this is in the lead up to tomorrows March 20th protests- Complete protest info is available on

" The sixth floor of the CMU administration building has been locked down by protesters.

In protest of Carnegie Mellon University's extensive ties to the military we have locked down the 6th floor of CMU's Administration building (Warner Hall, located at Forbes and Morewood). We have not and will not enter any offices on the floor, nor will we in any circumstance damage University property. This is a peaceful action whose sole purpose is to draw attention to the unethical policies and programs of CMU. Their development of the killer robot dubbed "Gladiator" is an abomination and affront to those who are daily witness to the death and destruction currently being caused by the US military.

This action is in solidarity with the Pittsburgh Organizing Group's call for non-violent protests on March 20. We encourage President Cohon to immediately contact POG to begin discussions of ways to address the specific concerns articulated by the community. "

Police raid medic space!!

" Around 10:15 on Friday, 15 cop cars stormed Beelan Street. They are currently blocking anyone from legal observing saying that it's a police investigation. The Cop car number is 34-10 and Officer Darcy is holding down the blockade.

Two people walking through the woods witnessed 3 undercovers coming out of the back of the house. They looked suprised to see people walking. The woods are being patrolled. Four people were/are home at the house. 3 people are inside the house. One person is being detained and questioned about the protest tommorrow. The two who were walking through the woods were asked for I.D. and told to keep moving and not to take any pictures. The cops said they were there for a building inspection. At 10 at night? with a 9 car escort? "

We request that all concerned people who have adequate transportation come to pittsburgh tomorrow, because we will need all the help we can get! The planned actions are going to specifically target institutions that are complicit in the perpetuation of warfare, and we anticipate a large turnout.

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