Mark you Calendars for April 10 Noon - 5pm for a dynamic set of presentations, workshops and panel discussions at the UB Business Center. Come out and talk to people with common concerns and desires to take action.

April 10 Workshop: Challenging Corporate Globalization & Alternatives
WHAT: Teach-in on: "Imperialism and Global Plunder: The Institutions, the Resistance and the Alternatives"
In addition to bringing people together, the event will include workshops, panel discussions, and open dialogue. Topics will address the role and functions of the IMF & World Bank in corporate globalization, the resistance efforts of the Global Justice Movement, and Alternative Paths for the future.
WHEN: Saturday April 10, 2004 from Noon - 5pm
WHERE: University of Baltimore Thumel Business Center on the SE Corner of North Charles & Mt. Royal Ave. (Business Center Auditorium, just up a flight of stairs).
WHY? This is part of a larger awareness campaign to draw attention to the upcoming April 22-25 IMF meetings in Washington, DC. Check the Calendar for other events, like showings of the documentary "Life & Debt," a must see for anyone who's curious about how the IMF undermines local economies for the benefit of transnational corporations.
Co-Sponsor: Coalition Against Global Exploitation (CAGE), All People's Congress and UB Progressives.