The gay marriage constitutional amendment, the Greenspan social security announcement, the "new" Al Queda tapes, all have been timed to do just one thing: Provide a distracting cover for Bush as he makes another stealth attempt to ram through the colossal corporate giveaway he calls the ENERGY BILL. ACT NOW to prevent this disaster!!
Here's the inside scoop from MOVE ON:
The Bush-Cheney energy bill is back, and it could come up for a vote at any moment. Republicans have signaled that they'll give as little as 24 hours' notice. We've got to get out ahead of it.
Please call your Senator(s) now, at:
For Maryland:
Senator Paul S. Sarbanes
Washington, DC: 202-224-4524
Senator Barbara A. Mikulski
Washington, DC: 202-224-4654
Get contact info at:
Make sure they know you're a constituent, then urge them to:
"Please FILIBUSTER to stop the energy bill."*
Give some reasons why you're concerned -- some good ones are listed below.
Please let us know you're calling, at:
The energy bill is still terrible. Here's what it does:
1. Delays clean-up in smoggy cities, which would increase asthma
attacks and other health problems, especially among children and elderly people.
2. Pollutes rivers and coastal waters by exempting oil and gas drilling
from clean-up safeguards
3. Allows energy companies to rip off consumers by repealing the
Public Utility Holding Company Act.
4. Includes billions in subsidies for big oil, nuclear, timber, and
coal companies.
5. Increases air pollution and global warming with new incentives to
burn coal for electricity without adequate pollution controls.
6. Threatens drinking water by allowing the underground injection of
diesel fuel and other chemicals during oil and gas development.
7. Weakens environmental safeguards to pave the way for more oil and
gas drilling on sensitive public lands in the Rocky Mountain West.
At least sixteen national hunting and fishing organizations oppose
these provisions.
8. Locks in American dependence on foreign oil by adding new
roadblocks to better fuel economy.
9. Tramples on states' abilities to protect their coasts from harmful
oil and gas exploration by weakening their input on federal
coastal projects.
10. Promotes nuclear proliferation by reversing long-standing U.S.
policy against reprocessing waste from commercial nuclear
reactors, and using plutonium to generate commercial energy.
Please call your Senator(s) now, at:
Senator Paul S. Sarbanes
Washington, DC: 202-224-4524
Senator Barbara A. Mikulski
Washington, DC: 202-224-4654
Urge them to filibuster the energy bill.
Please let us know you're calling, at:
Thank you.
--Peter Schurman
February 26th, 2004
* For more information on filibusters, see:
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