Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Globalization

Hip Hip Hooray for Social Justice! Spring Mobilization against the World Bank and IMF planning meeting tonight @ St. Stephens Washington DC

Spring IMF/World Bank Mobilization Planning meeting! Yea! Spank the Bank, Defund the Fund!
Hip Hip Hooray for social Justice!
Tonight is the Mobilization for Global Justice General meeting for planning this springs mobilization against the World Bank and IMF during their spring meetings. Their are lots of Working Groups hard at work on the organizing effort.

So come on out and get involved, learn more about these institutions and why we oppose them. Its loads of fun and the more people we get planning this the better it will be.

Hope to see the lot of ya out tonight:

St. Stephens Church: 7:15-9pm
Corner of Newton and 16th st. NW
Columbia Hieghts metro (Green line)

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