Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Activism : Environment : Globalization : International Relations : Media : Middle East : Military : Peace : War in Iraq

Talk on Decline of Oil, Natural Gas and Energy, 2/23

There will be a talk and discussion on the imminent decline of Oil and Natural Gas at 7:00 pm, Monday, February 23rd at Takoma Presbyterian Church in Takoma Park MD.  The decline of oil and natural gas is a looming crisis that we all must confront today.  
Call Matt at 301-891-1560 for details
or check out
for a flyer."   

Global Peak and Decline of Oil and Natural Gas

Monday, February 23
7:00—informal discussion; 7:30—presentation
with Julian Darley:  Post Carbon Institute 
Author of "High Noon for Natural Gas" chelsea green books
World authority on oil industry and energy issues.

Takoma Presbyterian Church
310 Tulip, corner to Tulip and Maple
Takoma Park MD   short walk from Takoma redline
Contact:  Matt Shortridge, 301-891-1560 

What is The Oil Peak?
"The Oil Peak" is the peak of global oil production.  Oil production on a local, regional or global scale, follows a "bell curve" from discovery up to peak production and down to depletion.  Before the peak—i.e., the 20th century—oil and its energy was cheap and plentiful.  After the peak—our immediate future—oil will become increasingly difficult to extract and increasingly scarce and expensive. No technology or financial investment can boost production or put more oil in the ground after the "Peak." The only way for the U.S. to maintain its indulgent level of energy use is to secure the remaining deposits of this dwindling resource.  Clearly that’s what the U.S. is doing in the world today.  But military conquest of remaining reserves only postpones the ultimate effects of oil peak on the American way of life.  
Natural Gas (NG) in North America is in critically short supply.  We depend on NG for electricity, agricultural fertilizer, home heating and industry.  It is not feasible to import NG on a large scale.  The coming NG shortfalls will reduce crop yields and threaten the electric grid.   Alternative energies like wind and solar are essential, but will fall dramatically short of our present consumption habits and needs.  Many look to Hydrogen, but it is essentially just a high tech battery.  It is not a source of energy like oil. Rather, it stores and carries energy from other sources.  The solutions to this problem involve dramatic restructuring of the way we live: localization of agriculture, energy, work, and industry—not simply reduction in oil and gas use, but major reduction in overall energy use.  We can choose as a nation and world to manage the energy decline, or wait and have it thrust upon us in a chaotic crisis.  

rsvp to this email with questions comments, or call me at:
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301-891-1560 home


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