Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Activism

East Coast Socialist Conference: Resisting US Empire: Fighting for a Better World

Socialist ideas have never been more important
for understanding the world, and helping to build
broad, militant and effective movements for change.
Join hundreds of socialists, activists, students and trade unionists to discuss the pivotal debates in the reviving opposition and how the capitalist system itself can be challenged to create a society based on human need, real democracy and equality.
WHAT: East Coast Socialist Conference: Resisting US Empire: Fighting for a Better World

WHEN: Saturday, March 6,

WHERE: New York City, Columbia University, 116th St. & Bway

WHO: All are welcome, cost is $5, free childcare call by 2/28 to reserve space

INFO AND TRAVEL: call 202-667-0049 email visit for full schedule and list of workshops and forums



* Is Revolution Possible in the US?

12:30-1:30pm Lunch Break


* No Restrictions, Access for All: How do we Defend
Abortion Rights?

* From Guantanamo to Death Row: Criminal Injustice in

* Anybody but Bush: The Politics of Lesser Evilism

* Why the Anti-war Movement Should Oppose the
Occupation of Palestine
* Mad Cows and Melting Ice Caps: How Can We Save the

* How do we Rebuild the Labor Movement?

* Capitalism: Can the System Be Fixed?

* In Defense of Leninism


* Why we have to Fight for Gay Marriage

* The Rebellion Against Neoliberalism in Latin America

* Recovery for Who? The Wal-Martization of America

* From Civil Rights to Black Power: Lessons for
Fighting Racism

* From Vietnam to Iraq: US Soldiers Against War

* Why the Anti-war Movement should support the Iraqi

* No Scapegoating or Indentured Servants: Equal Rights
for Immigrants

* Socialists in Movements: The United Front Strategy

Dinner Break


* The Struggle for Socialism: A World to Win

9pm-1am PARTY

Under the cover of its so-called β€œWar on Terror,” the
US government used lies and fear-mongering in order to
justify its conquest for oil and empire in Iraq.
Claiming its goal as the liberation of Iraqis, the US
is now opposing elections and using increasing
brutality to tighten its occupation of the country as
Iraqi resistance threatens its control. Here in the
US, attacks in the name of economic recovery and
homeland security have rained down on the US
population in the form of budget cuts, layoffs and
racist detentions and deportations of Arab and Muslim

In reaction to the Bush agenda, our society is
polarizing on almost every question from the
occupation of Iraq to gay marriage. It has grown so
polarized that pundits have take to calling America
the β€œ50-50” nation. In the face of this polarization,
and growing opposition to Bush, the Democratic Party
has offered only tepid rhetorical opposition to Bush,
and has backed almost all of his initiatives from
massive budget cuts to the Patriot Act to the
occupation of Iraq.

Nonetheless, we have seen the beginnings of a
resistance against this rightwing political and
economic offensive. Grocery workers in Southern
California are striking for affordable health care and
decent wages. And activists around the country are
gearing up for protests this spring against the
occupation of Iraq, for abortion rights, and against
the IMF and World Bank.
As struggle from below begins to revive, political
debates, which will have a real impact on the
direction of resistance in the US, have taken center
stage. Socialist ideas have never been more important
for understanding the world, and helping to build
broad, militant and effective movements for change.
Join hundreds of socialists, activists, students and
trade unionists to discuss the pivotal debates in the
reviving opposition and how the capitalist system
itself can be challenged to create a society based on
human need, real democracy and equality.

For more info and travel arrangements from DC: call
(202) 667-0049 or email

or visit

To reserve free, on-site childcare, please call by
Saturday, Feb. 28

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