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News :: Activism

M20 Peace Picnic

info on the peace picnic, part of Pittsburghs March 20th regional convergence against war.
call for a peace picnic on March 20th- part of Pittsburghs Regional Convergence against the war.

March 20th Call for a Peace Picnic in the Park...

To all peace loving people: You are invited to join Pittsburgh for a picnic on Sunday, March 20th on Flagstaff Hill in Schenley Park. The picnic will take place from 12:00 pm up until the start of the 1:00pm rally against the war and occupation being organized by the Thomas Merton Center. Bring your appetite, a dish to share with others, the kids, a kite, a Frisbee, bubbles, and your sense of community...This informal gathering will provide a chance for all to share thoughts, ideas and food as a community that celebrates the diversity of our different cultures and organizing strategies, uniting under a common vision of a world without war. We feel it’s unfortunate that those in the movement don’t often get a chance to interact with each other unless it’s during the pressure of a demonstration. We will be setting up communal tables for the event. It may be a bit cold, but that doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate, dress appropriately. If you can’t make it to the event but wish to offer donations of money, food, or beverages please contact:

vegan and vegetarian options are preferred so everyone can partake.

info on the regional convergence is at:

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