Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

News :: Environment

Look up in the sky

More and more people are experiencing mists
and fogs, and rains and storms, that are full of
unpleasant smells... odours of chemicals
Hopi elder, Dan Evehema.....
"We will see A HALO OF MIST around the heavenly
bodies. Four times it will appear around the Sun as
a warning that we must reform, telling us that people
of all colour must unite and arise for survival, and
that we must uncover the causes of our dilemmas.
Unless man-made weapons are used to strike
first, peace will then come."

I have always believed this warning to be the final
Hopi 'Navohti' warning to Humanity.

It is also reported Hopi elder Dan Evehema has
said this: "The time will come when from the earth
will arise a mystic fog which will dilute the minds
and hearts of all people."

More and more people are experiencing mists
and fogs, and rains and storms, that are full of
unpleasant smells... odours of chemicals,
pesticide-like smell, and so on. This is the global
'Chemtrails' spraying operation.

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