Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

News :: Labor

SPFPA does little to represent members

1996 SPFPA won the right to represent the Security Officers in El Centro, CA. But did nothing with it.

Today, SPFPA is proud to have a collective bargaining agreement, first with Holiday International and then with USProtect.

It just a shame that they had to copy the one that UGSOA hammered out in San Diego.

I wonder if their members know that their union didn't even bother to try to negotiate a better contract. They saw the words "Union Security" and said "Yes sir, may we have another."

If I was a member I think I would be a little upset but the fact that would really get me is that SPFPA charges more than UGSOA and sends more than 50% of that amount to the International to spend on expensive trips to Las Vegas.

SPFPA. You pay more. They do less.

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