Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Commentary :: Baltimore MD

No Child Left Behind

This year is likely to see the most massive divestment in Baltimore City youth. WIth joint CIty-State oversight and Zero accountibility, the Baltimore CIty school board has mismangaged itself to a #58 million dollar debt. Now NCLB is withholding $35 million more.
SO be heard at Annapolis this Monday, 6 PM, for a march to the capitol. Demand accountability, demand adequate funding, start making your own alternative schools cause "They schools ain't teaching us what we need to learn to survive."

So Fallstaff, Greensprin Middle, Pimlico, Chinquipin, Francis Scott Key, Poly, City, Mervo, Dunbar, Douglass, Carver, Northwestern, School for the Arts, West Baltimore Middle, Hamilton, Hampden, Highlandtown, even Roland Park; GET YO' ASSES UP and REBEL!!

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