Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Activism : Civil & Human Rights : Globalization : International Relations : Middle East : Protest Activity


SUSTAIN calls for an International Day of Action against the Caterpillar Corporation on Deir Yassin Day (April 9th) demanding that: 1.) Caterpillar Corporation must sever all contracts with the Israeli Military. 2.) Caterpillar Corporation must draft a public letter explaining why they have done so.

We encourage peace and justice loving people from around the world to organize actions or events addressing the role of Caterpillar in supporting the attacks against the Palestinian people.

Whereas, the Caterpillar Corporation's D-9 bulldozer physically embodies the horrible atrocity that is happening to the Palestinian people - the Nabka (Great Catastrophe) - the ethnic cleansing of Palestine;

Whereas, the Caterpillar Corporation's machinery is directly implicated in grave abuses of human rights by Israeli Defense Forces including the collective punishment of the Palestinian people through house demolitions, clearing a path for and construcing the Apartheid Wall and murder of civilians;

Whereas, these actions are illegal under international law - specifically violating the Fourth Geneva Convention, the Rome Statue of the International Court and the Hague Conventions;

Whereas, the sale of the Caterpillar bulldozer to Israeli Defense Forces violates the U.S. Arms Export Control Act;

Whereas, the Caterpillar Corporation's agreements with the Israeli military stand as a stark example of the material, economic and political aid given by the United States government and multinational corporations - the aid that enable these atrocities;

Whereas, U.S. economic and milatary aid is funded entirely by the public's tax money, while public education and social services institutes are suffering severe budget cuts from the federal government;

Whereas, the Caterpillar Corporation's business is largely civilian in nature, it is not dependent on these military contracts to survive as a corporation and therefore can afford to sever these contracts;

Whereas, we are more powerful when united internationally against a common target, a target that has important symbolic relevance, and a target that represents a winnable victory;

Whereas, the Caterpillar Corporation has offices, manufacturing facilities and subcontractors throughout the world;

Whereas, April 9th will be the 56th anniversary of the Deir Yassin massacre, the commemoration of which is meant to recognize and remember the Nakba of ethnic cleansing, murder, terrorism and particulary house and village demolition that befell the Palestinian people in 1948. The ethnic cleansing, murder, terrorism and house demolition have continued to this day (the Jenin Massacre was unfolding two years ago at this time.)


We therefore call for an International Day of Action against the Caterpillar Corporation on Deir Yassin Day (April 9th) demanding that:

1.) Caterpillar Corporation must sever all contracts with the Israeli Military.

2.) Caterpillar Corporation must draft a public letter explaining why they have done so.

We encourage peace and justice loving people from around the world to organize actions or events addressing the role of Caterpillar in supporting the attacks against the Palestinian people.

Possible Actions:

1. Organize an action at your local Caterpillar representative or sales representatives office. Demand that they sign on to demands of the campaign.

2. Student and community groups call for their institutions, city councils, faith communities or unions pass resolutions divesting from the Caterpillar Corporation until the campaigns demands are met.

3. Activists who are far away from a possible target for action or divestment can organize an educational event to demonstrate to communities the role of Caterpillar in supporting the oppression of the Palestinian people.

4. Activists who do not have the capacity to organize an action or event can stage a "banner drop." This action requires a minimum of two individuals to create a banner supporting the International Day of Action and display the banner in a high traffic (i.e.: freeway overpass, tall buildings, etc.)

We suggest that people work democratically, to work in coalition with a diverse group of organizations and to be creative in their actions.

We propose that the international center of this Day of Action be in Peoria, Illinois - the headquarters of the Caterpillar Corporations.

We propose that the action be two-fold:

1.) A delegation of community leaders who will attempt to visit the CEO to explain how Caterpillar products are being used in Occupied Palestine and to demand that their relationship with the Israeli government be severed.

2.) A mass mobilization of people outside the Caterpillar Corporate Headquarters demanding the same.

Organizations, faith communities, labor groups and individuals from the Midwest region that are interested in endorsing and participating in our organizing effort should send an e-mail to ISMinChicago (at) Please include a contact name and phone number in the e-mail.


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