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Baltimore IMC

News :: Gender and Sexuality

Cuba will be host of encounter on Gender and New Technologies

From the 18 to the 20 of May of 2004 it will be made in Havana, Cuba, VI Latin American Encounter "Woman and Communication". In this opportunity the central subject will be Sort and new technologies of the information and the communications.
In this opportunity the factories, conferences, panels and posters will approach the access and participation of the women in the technologies of the information and the communications, the sort and the digital breach, experiences in the use of the digital publication technologies and networks with sort approach, the use of Internet in the mopvilizaciones against the war in Iraq and other subjects related to the use of the network of networks by the signallers and the movements of women. In the forum other topics will also be approached as the image and is present at of the woman and the man in means, the sort violence, the sexual and reproductive health among others. This type of encounter has been organized by the Union of Journalists of Cuba and the Federation of Cuban Women for ten years.

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