'VELORUTION' is a collectively produced zine and resource directory due to be published in April 2004 (issue #1). Our aim is to document and highlight the state of bicycle activism in the Eastern U.S. - everything from Critical Mass, to international bike-exporting, to community co-ops and repair clinics, to earn-a-bike programs, to radical bicycle protest and theatre, and everything in between. Additionally the zine will include a descriptive resource directory of grassroots bike activities/programs, bike enthusiasts and up-and-coming bike projects- to get new ideas, network, and figure out what really works for different projects, as well as to create an underground record of these sorts of activities. (In order to focus our efforts, we have decided to concentrate on activity East of the Mississippi River, at least for the first issue.) The project is being spearheaded by individuals at Providence, RI Recycle-a-Bike and the Troy Bike Rescue.
WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! We are looking for...
1) brief essays (theoretical or practical) on bicycle activism
2) stories or accounts (of all sorts) from bike actions or projects.
3) work with an existing bike project? Fill out our attached questionairre for the resource directory.
4) photocopiable artwork on this theme
5) if you have any other ideas, let us know
If you'd like to help produce/publish this zine or to submit articles, art, or a questionairre, email:
We'd like the sincerely thank the over 20 individuals/projects who have responded so far by submitting a filled questionnaire. I you would like to submit other stuff too, that is a-ok! please do.
WEBSITE coming soon!
Please return replies to;
1. Name, address, phone #, and e-mail of the project.
2. Hours of operation.
3. What kind of official status do you have? Non-profit or business license?
4. If you operate as a non-profit, where does your funding come from?
5. How long has the project been operating?
6. How many different types of programming do you facilitate?(childrens workshops,yellow bikes, bikes to other countries....)
7. Do any of your staff get paid for their time or labor? What % of your budget goes to paying staff?
8. Do you focus on any women's, race or class issues?
9. What is your organizational structure? Is there a board or a collective?
10.What do potential collective/board members have to do become an official member?
11. Is the space you run out of donated or do you pay rent?
12. Does your project have an insurance policy? If so, what does it cover and what does it cost?
13. Where do you get your bikes?
14. What is the biggest problem you have had to overcome?
15. How have you dealt with theft and people taking advantage of the resources you offer?
16. Any helpful hints about biking in your town?
17.Does your town have a Critical Mass? When and where does it meet?