Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Review :: International Relations

Free Lebanon from Syrian Baath Occupation and Terror

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We Lebanese from all ethnic groups; Arabs, Phoenicians and Armenians, and from all religions Christians , Muslims and Jews reject the Syrian occupation for Lebanon. We Support the American Sanctions against Syria to force its fascist regime to stop its barbaric acts against the Lebanese people. We rejected before the Israeli occupation for our land as well. Syrian ethnic cleansing in occupied Lebanon The Syrian regime has been working on changing the ethnic and religious demography of Lebanon by replacing its people. Since 1990, Syrian occupation of Lebanon has forced more than 35% of the Lebanese to leave their country. The Syrian-appointed government in Lebanon naturalized around half a million Syrians and Palestinians that is equal to 20% of the Lebanon population This mass displacement project is accompanied with regular persecution, arresting, kidnapping, torturing and assassinating of the Lebanese. Syrian Baath regime:

for more about US congress work for Lebanon:


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