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Anti-Racist Action Faces Six Counts Of Libel

Montgomery County Civil Case #060100041412002

Bill White has charged Anti-Racist Action, the Claustrophobia Collective, and Mark Sabretto with six counts of libel.
Six Counts Of Libel Brought Against ARA
White Says Sabretto Knowingly Fabricated Material
2/19/02 1:36:25 PM
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Bill White Press Release

Rockville, Maryland -- Independent candidate for state legislature and editor of Libertarian
Socialist News Bill White today brought civil suit against Mark Sabretto, the
Claustrophobia Collective, and Anti-Racist Action, claiming the groups
committed six acts of libel and defamation of character in a recent issue of
their "Anti-Racist Action" Bulletin.

Specifically, White's suite claims that Salotte:

1) Described White as a "racist" with the knowledge that White did not and
had never advocated racism.

2) Described White as a "Nazi" with the knowledge that White did not and had
never advocated national socialism.

3) Stated White had harbored runaways as part of a "scam ... to find underage
girls to hook up with" with the knowledge that White did not and had not ever
done so.

4) Stated White, in 1999, "was arrested in a scuffle with a cop" with the
knowledge that White had not.

5) Fabricated a quotation from White, claiming that White advocated violence
against Jews, to the effect of "I told you ... this is what happens when the
Munsons and the Barricadas run the Black Block ... violence against 'white
supremacists' in York ... and violence against Jews in New York", with the
knowledge that White had never made such a statement.

6) Stated that White "should be seen and treated as an integral part of their
scene" with the intent of advocating criminal violence against White's person
and property.

White told press today that he was "shocked" by the article:

"What they are saying, that I advocate violence against anyone based on their
membership in a religious or racial minority, is such a negation of who I am
and what I believe that I cannot understand the depth of malice required for
someone to print such a lie. The very idea of such a thing is abhorrent to me
as a human being.

"What this demonstrates is that Anti-Racist Action, and the interests that
have infiltrated it and which use it, are essentially what I have been saying
they are: They are an organization focused on violence, hate and terror,
which uses brainwashing, lies and propaganda to persuade young teenagers to
engage in crimes on behalf of interests that those children are simply too
young to perceive or comprehend."

Montgomery County Civil Case #060100041412002

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