Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Globalization

CAFTA is in Trouble! We Can Bring it Down Tuesday at the Mayflower Hotel Washington DC

Word is out, CAFTA is stalling!
MGJ calling for a 5pm all night if you like, make it or break it picket to vocalize opposition to the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) Tuesday Dec. 16th in front of the Mayflower Hotel (Connecticut St. NW, just up from L St.). Bring Noise makers, Puppets, banners, signs and your voice!
The negotiations of the Central American Free Trade Agreement are at a stand still! Today the word was leaked that negotiations will continue through Tuesday night into Wednesday morning. The representative from Guatemala told the crowd picketing out in front of the Mayflower that our presence was good for there resistance to the US trade agenda. Mobilize for Global Justice is calling for a picket to begin at 5pm on Tuesday in front of the Mayflower Hotel. The picket has no scheduled ending…if you want to stay the night you can. We have to keep up the presence in front of the hotel. Over the week the pickets have grown in size and noise level! Our presence is being felt inside the hotel! So come out and make sure they know we are out side and that we say NO TO CAFTA!

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